Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have not blogged for a while.
I have let my everyday stuff take away from slowing down and just being still.
So, this is me , inconsistent always.
But I'm o.k. with it and that's a good thing.
So I'm taking a few moment to go pole pole and I'm feeling the grounding effect of that already.
Well that's all, but I wanted to write something.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Cooking for me is a form of artistic expression and as such ... I cannot follow or repeat recipes.
Maybe it's good. Maybe it's bad. Maybe it's everything.
I utterly enjoy cooking. I create and invent.
I can have skinny hyper-energetic members of the family .. I can have diabetics, I can have allergics...etc etc...
"Open your fridge and pantry and creative !"
Knowing what you have and knowing who you are cooking for!
That is everyday life for me.
Yes, sometimes we are able to go out and organize and plan what we will make for lunch..for dinner..for breakfast ..for snack...but a lot of the time we don't ...
We have a limited dose of energy...a limited source of ingredients and ..hopefully an unlimited source imagination, creativity and love!!
In my opinion, to make a great meal I value creativity and love above all of the ingredients.
These will transcend fatigue and routine any day !!
So...everyone really..tap into that love and creativity and your meal times will surely be fantabulous, energetic, nutritious and full of "good vibes".

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I went to our storage today. We have most of our stuff there and since we moved, I must say I have not really missed anything. We live in a furnished home and all the essentials are there.
For example in the kitchen we have one pan and one pot and I have been cooking just fine. We have a couple of mismatched plates, glasses and cups , some forks, blunt knives and a few small spoons. Meals have still been been happening . I feel like I'm in the bush, camping and I just make do with what I have. It's quite stimulating for the imagination. How much stuff do we really "need"!!?
Having said that..If I think about it I do miss having "my stuff" around.
I miss my espresso maker, my art work, my bed sheets..oh and ya my bed!!
My trip to storage today was to take 2 suitcases of more things that we don't need.
When I saw my things it was somehow comforting. Unfortunately some of the boxes I would have liked to take back were at the bottom of the pile and I was alone trying to move everything so I gave up. Luckily my rugs were accessible so I took a couple. I also took a folding table, my sewing machine and a few pieces of art.
Now, there is no street parking close to the apartment so I had to figure something out .
I arrived at the garage and of course, I had to beg to leave the car close to the exit for 20 minutes while I went back and forth from the garage to the apartment...
Phew, I finally made it. The table was suuuper heavy!!
Now.. I have a few of my paintings on the wall and a few of my rugs on the floor. I feel at home!
We have moved quite a lot in the past 5 years and these are the things that followed us so I'm very happy to have them here, the apartment now feels more homey ..our homey!
So how much "stuff" do we really "need"?
mmmm just a little...